Saturday, September 01, 2007

Reminder of stuff I've been reading and accessing

Being away from a blog from some time means I need to capture here some of the stuff I've been looking at, thinking about during these months.

As ever there are some bloggers who I spend a lot of my life reading.

One of those is Graham Attwell at The Wales Wide Web

His video on e-portfolios

Has given me plenty to focus on. e-portfolios are an area where I know we need to engage at Glamorgan, but I haven't had time to really think through there implications for us. Which is why Graham's work is so valuable.

I guess I've been putting it off, as I'd expected us to have someone responsible for the area of personal development and work-based learning in post by now, who might have taken a lead on this. But not yet, so I guess I need to make sure I re-engage with this area in the new academic year.

Graham has also done some useful work on PLEs, I really enjoyed the mash-up he created based on the Jisc e-framework for institutional management and his own PLE view which focuses on learners.

I know there have been other influences during this time, but I thought it was worth capturing the sources before they simply became part of 'How I think'


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