Monday, September 03, 2007

Well here I am at ALT-C

Mistry and I had a really easy drive to Nottingham - given this involved negotiating the M42, that is pretty impressive.

I'd gone back this morning and checked every bit of e-mail correspondence from ALT to see if it told me which of the halls I was staying at, but no luck. On getting to the East Midlands Conference Centre - a really nice looking building, I was told I should have had joining instructions by letter. So I guess those are somewhere between ALT and the University of Glamorgan postroom. Imagine a technologists' conference using paper to send out such vital details. As someone who files online really well, but doesn't do paper, it was a shock to know I should have had more information. But I'll get over it.

The accommodation is student basic. Perfectly clean, and once I'd found it - there is work going on near the entrance, so I'd gone way beyond it before a helpful student directed me back - it will suit my needs. After all I'm here for the content not for the room plus, crucially, I am able to check my e-mails and start blogging.

Continuing on the excess paperwork issue the pleasant people who signed me, they were really friendly and deserve any praise the organisers give them, they made me most welcome, provided me with a huge pack in a large carrier bag, I was hoping they had someone to carry it back to the accommodation for me!! It is full of the worst kind of junk mail (without envelopes). I know conferences need sponsorship, but I for one would have preferred to see the trees survive.

Also there was a hard copy of the abstracts and proceedings - something I've had soft copy of since last week. Once I'd found the recycling bin I dumped 7/8 of the paperwork into that, so I now have a small amount that I'll need to carry about for the next few days.

Still here I am excited to get started and just about to head over the to Planning Committee meeting.



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